The son of a U.S. diplomat, Pietro de la Luna grew up in Africa, Europe, and the United States. He has also lived in England, the U.S., and France and traveled widely as an adult. He received BA degrees in music and history and has enjoyed a successful music career. He has also written articles for various progressive organizations.
Pietro is a devoted healer and works with healing circles around the world. Working with his healing guides, he has been a successful conduit in curing various forms of cancer, bipolar disorder, angina, Parkinson's Disease, Lyme Disease, blindness, tooth problems, ulcers and stomach disorders, and physical injuries, as well as many other conditions, ailments, and diseases. He has also been a successful conduit in dissipating severe weather events. Working with Light -- 5th through 12th dimensional energies -- Pietro is a quantum surgeon and is purely dedicated to uplifting Humanity and the world.
A pure empath, he has the gifts of prophecy, healing, deep intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, fifth dimensional tweeting, and extraordinary positive influence to shape the world. Pietro combines all the sacred inner skills and transforms them into higher skills. And he is actively engaged with Spirit, the archangels and angels, and many people across the world preparing for Ascension, creating Heaven on Earth--loving conduits in opening quantum-divine portals from British Columbia, Alberta, and Mount Shasta, to Peru, Chile, and Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand, as New Lemuria is born.
Stevie Wonder says, "Pietro de la Luna is the most beautiful man in the world."
Pietro is a member of Inspiration Life, a global group of visionaries who by example live to inspire Life, so you may find the inspiration within yourselves.
Working closely with visionary Hindu film director Jayrajsinh Chavda Aazad, Pietro is the executive producer, narrator, and co-writer for the upcoming film Universal Religion, a stunningly beautiful eyewitness account of the devastating 2015 Nepal earthquake and the transformational effect it had on the participants of a psytrance music festival. The film will be prominently featured in global film festivals in 2025, raising awareness and support of Nepal and its noble people:
In the upcoming book by Merry Hall, Vision, Passion, Mission: The Head, Heart, and Hands of Evolutionary People, along with others, Pietro will be featured as a visionary, lighting the path to the New Illuminated World.
Pietro is working in divine partnership with shaman and author of the exquisite Silver Wheel, Golden Elven Queen Elen Elenna, birthing and raising Avalon, the New Illuminated Avalon. Invoking the ancient Lemurian wisdom of and with the Elven elders, with our star family and many devoted souls, Elen and Pietro burnish Avalon into the realm of visibility, returning to the Heart of Vision:
And Pietro is the founder of We Are Love, devoted to celebrating, supporting, and uplifting the rising Feminine spirit in the world. The world's finest, most beloved artists of all kinds: musicians, visual artists, dancers, filmmakers, designers; scientists, spiritual figures, healers, experiencial-educators, Indigenous communities, climate advocates, conservationists, and emerging heart-based leaders are participating and contributing. An inspiring multicultural global family, with joy We Are Love invites you to become a part of the transformation, knowing you truly already are:
"We love each other more than enough to make the dream."
Pietro de la Luna
"There is no you, there is no me; there is only unity."
Pietro de la Luna
"Your heart already knows everything, has no need to define anything, and seeks to control nothing."
Pietro de la Luna
"As a devoted empath, do not be a sponge; be a Lighthouse."
Pietro de la Luna
"Finally you waken to the dream."
Pietro de la Luna