From The Future: The Yeshu'a Letters Part Four
Precious, Dear Beloveds, Among the most ancient and revered prophetic traditions are those of the Hopi. Beloveds, you will recall I...
From The Future: The Yeshu'a Letters Part Three
Precious Beloveds, The resonance of healers uniting all over the Earth finally cured the Ebola epidemic in Africa, where the conventional...
From The Future: The Yeshu'a Letters Part Two
Precious Beloveds of My Heart, What joy it brings to see you soar. Though for so long so misunderstood and misconceived and disbelieved,...
Precious Beloveds
Precious Beloveds, Each of you resides in my heart, as i do in yours, for there is in truth only One Heart. You are me. And i cherish...