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Yeshu'a is a powerful read and should help everyone on their journey toward integration of the physical and the world of Spirit.


Lynn Andrews, international and New York Times bestselling author of The Medicine Woman Series


Sometimes a book comes along that stops you in your tracks and reaches out to you. For me, Yeshu'a by Pietro de la Luna is one such book. Without question, the author has been greatly inspired in his writing. He draws you in to a time and place that we feel we already know, and brings it to life. The book is very readable and difficult to put down. You cannot fail to feel privileged to have read it.


Chris Day, author and journalist


Yeshu'a is a beautifully written remembrance of an Initiate's passage through the Mystery Schools of the ancient world, told from the unique point of view of the Oversoul, at once both present and eternal.


Glen Craney, award-winning author of The Fire and The Light


Yeshu’a is an amazing and compelling story that will captivate you, providing insight and multidimensional wisdom into Jesus and many ancient mysteries. Taking you on a journey that allows you to embrace the spirit of Jesus, God, and many other historical figures in ways you may have never considered before, Yeshua's insider perspective gifts you knowledge, understanding and compassion as you view Jesus and history itself anew. The story is riveting, and will broaden your view of life and what is possible.


Dawn Demers, author, healer, coach, and international speaker


I was delighted to read this magnificent story of the birth and growth of Yeshu'a, so enthralled in this real-life history, I had to read it a second time to get the full impact of his wonderful life. Yeshu'a has been written in a most beautiful and understanding way that all who read it will be immediately enchanted by the story.


Reverend and Healer Ron Wilding


Wonderful! Wonderful! Transforming Humanity is the purpose of Yeshu'a, as he shares with us his life-affirming wisdom. Pietro de la Luna's brilliant evocation of the savior's autobiographical voice overrides institutional interpretations as he sees reality through the liberating eye of a loving divinity.


Harvey Kraft, award-winning author of The Buddha From Babylon 


Yeshu'a is well-written, with power and passion. It maintains the Messiah's message of God's unconditional love and forgiveness.


Lord John Taylor, Baron of Warwick


Pietro de la Luna's poetic Yeshu'a series inspires today's world population to transform and save Humanity, proclaiming "You are the ones you have been waiting for!" In this Age of The Holy Spirit we are called to BE the second coming of Christ. A richly detailed autobiographical account of the full life of Jesus of Nazareth--not just the distorted, truncated, and reinterpreted account given us in translations of the biblical gospels--gifts us a full and inspiring picture of how Jesus lived out being Love incarnate. The Yeshu'a series reveals a deep devotion to the Divine Feminine missing in church-mediated Christianity that must now be resurrected in our hearts. This inclusiveness allows us to reclaim our full Humanity and become co-creators of a new Story honoring all beings on Earth. Intimately depicting Jesus' deep respect for the Humanity he serves, it encourages that which is holy in us all to flourish. Yeshu'a calls us to the compassion, sacrifice, and activism needed to save the world.


Burl and Merry Hall, authors of Sophia's Web 



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